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162 imagesThe British Road Protesters movement began in the early 1990s when the Donga tribe squatted Twyford Down to save this beautiful site, a site of scientific interest SSI from the Ministry of transport's road building programme which threatened to destroy the landscape. The Dongas was the name of the ancient walkways, the paths trodden in the middle ages by people walking down to Winchester. A small tribe were joined by people of all walks of life who came to Twyford Down to defend it. A long hard battle over several years ended in the 'cutting' a new motorway built through this ancient monument and destroying it. The Road Protest movement in Britain continued for many years and more battles were fought in London against the MII both at Wanstead then in Leytonstone, and subsequently at Newbury, and in Sussex. the protesters were very inventive in their use of non violent peaceful direct action. They barricaded themselves into squats, made tree houses, tunnels and have huge demonstrations against the bailliffs, police and security who tried to force their way through the defences of this alternative environmental popular movement. Many of the roads were built eventually and many sites of great beauty lost, but the government had to stand down from its road building policy and eventually the programme was halted. the protests cost the government billions. Out of that movement grew many environmental NGOs who have to this day kept fighting for ecological and sustainable environmental solutions rather than following the cult of the car, petrol and roadbuilding..
129 imagesSmokey Mountain rubbish dump, at Steung Mean Chey, started as a landfill site sixty years ago, and is now part of Phnom Penh, Cambodia; the grey cloud of acrid smoke exuding from constantly burning garbage gives it its nickname. There are over 2,000 casual workers, including some 600 children, who scavenge across the dumpsite, collecting plastic bags, metal, plastics and paper; which are then sorted, cleaned, weighed, and sold for recycling. People work, eat, and sleep amidst the rubbish and constant fumes, their strenuous labor earns them about $1 per day. Waste pickers even work night-shifts using miner's lamps to illuminate their way, one of Smokey Mountain's most visually striking characteristics. It is a place notorious for pollution, crime, and disease; medical waste is a constant hazard. In Asia, whole communities have developed out of the waste industry, handling some 75% of urban waste. What is a life of misery for some, is an example of sustainable development to others. Across Asia, the figures for recycling man-made resources, by such communities, are staggeringly high compared with the western developed countries. Informal waste collection systems have environmental and economic advantages, reducing the need for landfill, saving natural resources, while providing an important lifeline for some of the world's poorest people, but waste scavengers have dramatically shortened life expectancies, poor health and bad living conditions
29 imagesPEASANT FARMING, Malaysia. Combine harvester. Peasant farmers and children sit on rice sacks. Kedah state. World Bank funded project. Poor farmers, peasants, planting, harvesting, cultivating rice padi. combine, harvester, harvest, rice, padi, peasant, farming, farmer, world bank, kedah, malaysia, subsistence, poor, poverty
146 imagesChernobyl, Exclusion Zone, Ukraine. The Chernobyl Reactor, town, plant and environs just before the 20th anniversary of the nuclear disaster. Chernobyl, exclusion zone, Ukraine, radiation, nuclear, power, contamination, dangerous area
86 imagesHUNTING WILD BOAR, France. Ardeche.Hounds in landrover. Wild boar & deer hunting with hounds. A pursuit which is loved by some and hated by others. The hunters say hunting is natural, their opposers say it is bloodthirsty. There are millions of guns and it is a popular blood sport. hunting wild boar Ardeche Vagnas Vallon Pont Arc France shooting season blood sports chasse sanglier bloodsport gun ammunition hounds dog van transport ecology environment habitat killing meat tracking landscape paysage beautiful view gorge
84 imagesDevastation of Hurricane Mitch across Honduras. Central America, Honduras, Tegucigalpa. Devastation in the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch. High winds and flooding. Infrastructure destroyed Tegucigalpa, Honduras, flood, storm, climate change, flood, floods, destruction, Central America, Americas, South America, poverty, el nino, la nina, loss of land, peasant farmers, bananas, mangoes, devastation, refugees, third world, developing world, development, ngo, human rights, environment, environmental, end of the world,
139 imagesVOLCANO AFTERMATH deforestation. Philippines. Central Luzon, Mount Pinatubo volcano erupted in 1991 and caused massive destruction of urban and rural landscape. Many indigenous Aeta and Igorot people were displaced. White volcanic ashes settled and disfigured the landscape. Many live in ramshackle shelters, in refugee camps and settlements, living on humanitarian aid. RUBBISH DUMP RECYCLING, Philippines. Poor and indigenous people, old and young, some children, work in the infamous rubbish dump 'Smokey Mountain' outside Manilla. They recycle household and public waste, collecting and separating materials such as paper, corrugated cardboard, metal, plastics. Many suffer chronic skin and asthmatic diseases as a result of close contact with burning rubbish and chemicals. FLOODS & DEFORESTATION, Philippines. Ariel and land views of logging and deforestation causing massive landslides. Thousands of people died during flash floods in Leyte, the Philippines. Heavy rains brought floodwaters into river deltas where the poorest communities live, with access to water; shanty towns, squatter camps were rapidly washed away. The rapidity of flooding was blamed as much on logging and deforestation as the rain storms themselves. The Philippines, as the in rest of South East Asia, is rife with corruption amongst state, government and military officials who make a profit from illegal logging concessions. TRAFFIC POLLUTION, Philippines. Traffic jams pollute the city at all hours. Most cars, buses or jeepneys have very bad pollution levels, with high levels of exhaust fumes and no catalytic filters. There is a heavy cloud of smog above the city 24 hours a day
10 imagesRADIOACTIVITY LEUKEMIA, Malaysia. Bukit Merah, Ipoh State. Asian Rare Earh producing radioactive waste from tailings. Unsafe storage and pollution of water chain has caused many illnesses including a higher than normal rate of leukemia amongst the predominantly Chinese community, mainly children, suffering abnormalities and deformities. Ipoh Malaysia Bukit Merah Leukemia, radioactive waste illness Asian Rare Earth deformed mentally handicapped sick
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306 imagesAerial views of DEFORESTATION STORMS across France. 1999 2000 Europe. Hurricane force winds uprooted millions of trees across Europe. Dry weather followed by heavy rain made the roots vulnerable. Winds of 100-200kmh swept through the land causing havoc. Hundreds of millions of trees were knocked down. France Storm Hurricane Winds blown down uprooted deforestation forest trees woods climate change aerial force strong power nature forces of nature devastation environment countryside above looking down forlorn pattern texture