Sarak feeds the ducks..Sarak is a young Khmer boy who comes from a peasant family, living in a small village in Battambang Province, in northwest Cambodia. He lives with his mother and father, brothers, sister, cousins and his aunts and uncles. they are a big family. Sarak loves to learn how to be an acrobat in the local circus school, and spends as much time as he can doing headstands and somersaults with his friends. To be honest, he is a bit of a scoundrel, and enjoys head butting the billy goat, but he makes up by feeding all the animals in his parents little farm. His mother works at the fishmarket in Battambang town, whilst his father sells icecreams. They don't have very much money, not even electricity, so he and his brothers and sisters do their homework under candlelight. He likes to take trips, with his mother and cousins, on his uncle's scooter.
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