A woman holds the photo of her husband who is one of the disappeared. The walls of her house are decorated with political posters of the National Avancement Party (PAN)
Alvaro Arzu won the first round of the 1995 general elections in November, and then narrowly beat Alfonso Portillo of the Guatemalan Republican Front (FRG, Frente Republicano Guatemalteco) in the second round, which took place in January 1996.
The main achievement of Arzus presidency was the signature of a peace accord with the guerrilla group Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity, which ended Guatemala's 36-year-long civil war.
As part of this peace accord, Arzus government proposed a series of reforms to the Constitution of Guatemala; these reforms included disbanding the Presidential Guard, reducing the armed forces and recognizing the rights of indigenous communities. The proposed reforms were later rejected.