Exterior of Lenté family home. An ultra-low-energy wooden clad house, with triple glazed windows, 25-35cm insulated walls, solar panels and water heated by natural convection. The large triple glazed windows allow maximum amount of the sun's rays to enter and heat the house with minimum loss of heat
A "Maison Passive", Les Yvelines, near Paris, France. Home of Eric and Ikuko Lente and their children Anakin and Yulis. Only need ten small sacks of wood to help heat the house over a whole winter period, otherwise the house is heated by the sun's rays through the windows, and is virtually self-sufficient. Windows are triple glazed and doors triple stepped for optimum insulation. Hot water is made by natural convection roof panels through solar water heating. The house uses so little energy that the family sells electricity from solar panels€2000 to the grid. The house is entirely insulated and covered in wood inside and out. Flat roof is covered in Sedum plants for ecological, insulative and drainage. All solar, heat exchange and water controls are easily accessed inside the house.
The term passive house (Passivhaus in German) refers to a rigorous, voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, reducing its ecological footprint. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling. Passive design is not an attachment or supplement to architectural design, but a design process that is integrated with architectural design.
Une maison passive est un bâtiment économe en énergie. Les pertes de chaleur sont tellement limitées qu’un faible apport de chauffage est suffisant. La puissance d’un fer à repasser (+- 2000 W), permet de chauffer confortablement une maison pendant l’hiver ! Pendant l’été, les pare-soleils évitent la surchauffe de l’habitation. Une maison passive consomme en moyenne 4 fois moins d’énergie.
Pour réaliser cela il faut d’abord isoler. Il y a généralement entre 25 et 35 c