Koeun in a local cafe where she has breakfast and talks with local mothers about health issues..Touth Koeun, an ex-Khmer Rouge child soldier turned midwife and trainer, is on the frontline again, but this time campaigning on maternity issues, in Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. The country experiences an extraordinarily high incidence of infant and maternal mortality. The Preah Vihear province, in Cambodia's north, bordering on the Thai border, can be described as an outback rural area, villages often many hours away from a health centre or clinic, and sometimes near the frontline where soldiers and their families are living. Here, Touth Kouen, a locally much respected pioneer and experienced in maternity issues, trains indigenous women, known as 'Traditional Birth Attendants' (TBA's), correct procedures to assist midwives and nurses, to give direct support to mothers and their babies, during ante and post natal periods. Traditional bush medicine and spiritual practices by 'Kruu' bush doctors, involving the killing of endangered species, gathering herbs and plants, whose burnt remains are often ground up into unhealthy potions, and fed to mothers as miracle cures, and postpartum heating, can cause illness and death. The Kruu, and local people in general need to be re-educated, so as to create a healthy nurturing environment for mothers and their babies. Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia
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