Hassan Chalghoumi, Imam talks to press at Porte Vincennes
French and Jews come together to make a vigil outside a Kosher supermarket in Porte Vincennes, Paris, France. Yesterday this Kosher supermarket was the scene of a hostage taking and followed by an armed shoot out between Jihadist gunmen and French police. It ended in a shoot out and with the death of the terrorists. Some hostages were killed and police injured.
This event was directly linked to the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, killing twelve people, including the editor and celebrated cartoonists two days before. This week was the deadliest week of terror attacks in France for over fifty years. Charlie Hebdo is a satirical publication well known for its political cartoons.
As a solidarity actions with the deaths at Charlie Hebdo many placards read "Je suis Charlie" translating as "I am Charlie (Hebdo)". Demonstrators held aloft pens, brushes and crayons, symbolizing the profession of journalists and cartoonists who were killed.