Front cover "L'Equipe Newspaper" France the day after the attack on the staff and journalists of Charlie Hebdo
Ten staff including journalists, cartoonists and editors at Charlie Hebdo were killed the day before, when armed gunmen attacked the offices of Charlie Hebdo, killing twelve people including two policemen; four more are in critical condition. It is the deadliest terror attack in France for over fifty years. Charlie Hebdo is a satirical publication well known for its political cartoons. The newspaper had been threatened for making satirical images of the prophet Muhammad.
As a solidarity action with the deaths at Charlie Hebdo many placards read "Je suis Charlie" translating as "I am Charlie (Hebdo)". Demonstrators hold aloft pens, brushes and crayons, in solidarity for their dead colleagues, symbolizing the profession of journalists and cartoonists who were killed. Many pens and candles have been placed in shrines throughout the city.